The KaZAM balance bike is uniquely designed with a foot rest for feet placement and proper balance; and maintaining center of gravity similar to riding a traditional …
There’s only one KaZAM! footrest, footrest, footrest! we can’t say it enough! Kazam is the only balance bike with a patented footrest design. It is the key to success-for several reasons: 1. Kazam’s foot platform is in the natural position where a child would be placing their feet if coasting on a pedaled bike. 2. This position helps …
There’s only one KaZAM! Footrest, Footrest, Footrest! We can’t say it enough! KaZAM is the only balance bike with a patented footrest design. It is the key to success-for several reasons: 1. KaZAM’s foot platform is in the natural position where a child would be placing their feet if coasting on a pedaled bike. 2. This …
There’s only one KaZAM! Footrest, Footrest, Footrest! We can’t say it enough! KaZAM is the only balance bike with a patented footrest design. It is the key to success-for several reasons: 1. KaZAM’s foot platform is in the natural position where a child would be placing their feet if coasting on a pedaled bike. 2. This …