Website X5 Professional 10 [Download]


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as of 10/22/2024 (Details)

WebSite X5 Professional 10 is the most complete and versatile software for creating multi-language websites, blogs and online stores, with full optimization for search engines and 100% functional on tablets and smartphones. Designed for those who create websites for a living, WebSite X5 Professional 10 maintains the structure of a guided tour, but has loads of extra tools and advanced features. The result is an amazing combination of simplicity and power, which gives professional users numerous advantages: flexibility and plenty of room for customization, reduced development time, state-of-the-art projects, an optimized investment.First in search engine results. SEO optimization and analysisA successful website is attractive, interesting ... and optimized! WebSite X5 generates standard HTML5 code and gives you a free hand in setting page optimization parameters, including the Sitemap.xml and robots.txt files. The Professional 10 version also makes a final analysis, to find errors and pinpoint further areas of possible optimization, before publishing the site online.FeedReady. The mobile app for your websitesWebSite X5 Professional 10 guarantees websites that are 100% compatible with tablets and smartphones, and it also gives you a mobile app for broadcasting your contents.Download the free FeedReady app from the App Store or Google Play. Customize it for your website’s blog or RSS Feed and invite your users to download it so they can keep in touch with all your latest news. It’s the best way to connect with your public!Dynamic Contents. Update your websites onlineWebsites must be continuously updated to keep visitors interested in them. If updates are brief and don’t affect the layout, you can save time by letting your clients make the changes themselves. You can do this with Dynamic Contents: use them to create contents which need frequent updating. Once the website has been published online, authorized users can make any necessary changes directly on the website. And this will make everyone happy: you, because you’ll always have full control over the project, and your clients because they won’t have to rely on you for small changes that they want quickly.Database integration. Get the most out of your dataWebsites want to expand, both in size and number of visitors. As a website’s success grows, it becomes more important to handle the data that arrives through it in the best possible way. With WebSite X5 Professional 10, you can use the databases to collect data from e-mails, messages left in the guestbook or on the blog, from new user registrations and orders that come through the online store. The advantages are clear: you will have oceans of data to work on and make the most of!Access Management. Users can register themselves on your websiteAs website administrator, you can authorize users to access restricted areas of the website. Now, with WebSite X5 Professional 10, you can save time by offering automatic user registration: users can register themselves and choose their username and password. Ask them to validate their e-mail address and you will always have the list of registered users under control.Code check. Make the projects yoursLet WebSite X5 do the hard work for you: you’ll save time and energy, and can be sure of always having correct and clean page code, compatible with all the latest browsers and optimized for mobile navigation. You can always add your own CSS and HTML code that you need for specific features. And you can remove the metatag, if you don’t want the name of the program used to create your websites to appear. Includes 12 months of webhosting, unlimited emails, website space, transfer and databases Unlimited domain hosting with online control panel for website management with website backup systems and anti-hacker protection included Optimized code for mobile devices with Touch support and Mobile Android and iOS apps available for broadcasting website contents Create, import, or export website templates and includes 1,500 graphic customizible templates Online stores with discount vouchers and credit card payment facilities

Technical Details

  • Create professional websites & mobile sites in English, German, Italian, French or Spanish, complete with an App
  • Includes 12 months of 30GB webhosting, unlimited emails, website space, transfer and databases with unlimited domain hosting with online control panel for website management with website backup systems and anti-hacker protection included
  • Optimized code for mobile devices with Touch support and Mobile Android and iOS apps available for broadcasting website contents
  • Create, import, or export website templates and includes 1,500 graphic customizible templates
  • Create Online stores with discount vouchers and credit card payment facilities

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